It is easy to lose your way to creating your own success when you compare yourself with others. comparing is an outward gaze; it negates the person you are – all of your many talents and fine qualities. if you are trying to determine how to direct your passion for photography or how to create your photographic style, look inward and ask yourself: what are my values? what do i love? who or what inspires me? how would my friends describe me? these are a few of many questions that can lead you down the path of self-creation.
Trends are deceiving; they are exciting today, but pass by quickly. if you seek to follow trends or duplicate another photographer’s style, your business will pass by quickly too. take care to learn the time-honored principles surrounding the craft of photography, integrate them and they will help you to be true to yourself and build a strong foundation for your business.
Zen Photography Safaris | Workshops | Retreats will impart inspiration and help you build your photographic foundation and style. join us and offer yourself a rich opportunity to blossom.
Namaste, Team Zen | Joanne Bartone