blog post: knowing ourselves

“Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is enlightenment.” — Lao Tzu

There are many people that touch our lives.  we learn from them in many ways; how to cook, how to drive, how to lawyer or doctor, even how to photograph.  we become busy learning and doing; very busy.  and in all this busy-doing we often lose touch with ourselves.  if we can be still and introspectively return to ourselves we will gain enlightenment, not just knowledge.

At Zen Photography Safaris | Workshops | Retreats, we offer just the right balance of knowledge and experiences to help you gain wisdom, but most importantly, Satori (enlightenment). 

Namaste, Team Zen | Joanne Bartone

Canon EOS 5D  |  Canon 24-70mm L f/2.8 lens @ 28mm  |  ISO: 100  |  f/5.6  |  1/160  | Kentuck Knob Chalk Hill PA  | Image refined, cropped and enhanced for color + tonality in PS5

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