blog post: the music of the earth
“The Earth has music for those who listen.” — George Santayana
The Earth “sings to us” every day in ways that awaken our senses and spirit. It offers us unimaginable gifts if only we might stop and listen to them, or see them.
There, right in front of you in the middle of winter is a blessing of color or sound that is offering itself to you. It might be a golden weather-worn leaf curled in a crevice surrounded by snow, or the sound of ice expanding and contracting on a lake while the rest of the world lies in silence. There, everywhere is the Earth’s music and in our visual world, we can translate it into a beautiful image filled with the magic and majesty that is Nature.
Many people love nature and photography. Many people take great pride in creating with their cameras, and you don’t have to be a professional to do it.
Zen Photography Workshops | Retreats | Safaris was created with the intention to inspire, guide and inform people who love photography, no matter what the skill level and in ways that are both interesting and enjoyable.
The various practical experiences and lectures available to you at Zen Photography Workshops | Retreats |Safaris are designed to help you get in touch with and integrate the inspiration you see around you into your own creative process and we look forward to helping you fuel your soul and direct your creativity towards the gifts that surround you.
Namaste, Team Zen | Joanne Bartone